štvrtok 6. marca 2014

NEWS - split 7" EP w/ DOD + tour with Trigger + gigs 2014

Čoskoro by malo uzrieť svetlo sveta náše nový splitko s belgickou kapelou Days of Desolation. Power it up sa postará o to aby bolo vonku koncom marca - začiatkom apríla 2014. Díky!

Our new split 7 inch with belgian band Days of Desolation should be out soon. Thanks to Power it up for taking care of release which should be ready at the end of March or in the beginning of April 2014.

Grinding tour s nemeckou kapelou Trigger sa blíži a čoskoro vyrážame na cesty(11/4 - 19/4/2014). Stále nám však chýbajú dva koncerty v Nemecku, ak môžete akokoľvek pomôcť, či už s užitočnými kontaktami alebo s koncertom, dajte nám prosím vedieť. 

Grinding tour with german band Trigger is quickly coming(11/4 - 19/4/2014), however, we are still missing some gigs in Germany. In case you could help us somehow, with concerts or with any useful contacts, please let us know.

 Koncerty 2014 / Gigs 2014

19/3 - Kapu - Linz(AT)
28/3 - Pod Sokolem - Mýto
11/4 - Baryton music café - Praha
12/4 - 19/4 - Grinding tour with Trigger(DE, BE, UK)
18/5 - 007 - Praha
30/5 - Písek
14/6 - "U Herzinů" - Krupka
6/9 - Arschcholio fest - Rostock(DE)
17-18/10 - Bloodshedfest - Eidhoven(NL)

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